Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final stats for round 3

Trip69'€  -  1619
Player 128  -  1470
LiveWire  -  1339
Diogofm1981  -  1213
Wuakinaut  -  1212
Fernando  -  1102
twISTer1979  -  1100
Belkys  -  896
hkeisenberg  -  872
Lil Carol  -  812
Pizzle  -  745
Feodariuc  -  670
Rautakanki  -  486
Aly  -  433
Raphael007  -  390
ArmyAnt  -  342
Beckum  -  301
Big T  -  246
Al Gorland  -  175
Deadweight  -  100
Rhumner  -  88
Nashandra  -  61

Tier 12 cleared

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Final stats for round 2

Trip69'€  -  1946
Player 128  -  1863
Diogofm1981  -  1727
Rautakanki  -  1466
Fernando  -  1350
Wuakinaut  -  1239
Pizzle  -  1210
LiveWire  -  1173
Belkys  -  1064
Lil Carol  -  925
ArmyAnt  -  827
Al Gorland  -  783
hkeisenberg  -  761
Feodariuc  -  675
Big T  -  673
Beckum  -  482
Aly  -  473
twISTer1979  -  466
Raphael007  -  421
Nashandra  -  384
Deadweight  -  259
Rhumner  -  259
B-Luv  -  66

Tier 11 cleared

Friday, July 5, 2019

Tier 4 cleared

Let's talk about... Difficulty


In Our World there are three different kinds of difficulty that we need to take into account when we talk about difficulty: Easy Difficulty, Hard Difficulty and Static Difficulty. Only Rare and Epic Infestations use Static Difficulty, so let’s tackle those first and then we can forget about them and move on.

Static Difficulty
Static Difficulty can be seen in Rare and Epic Infestations only, these missions are the difficulty they are and there’s nothing you can do to change them. Easier Rare and Epic Infestations are more common than hard ones, and that’s about that. So let’s move on to Easy and Hard difficulty.

‘Easy’ and ‘Hard’
Easy and Hard difficulties in Our World are ‘dynamic’, this means that your actions in the game change the difficulty of the missions rather than them being the same for everyone (like the static difficulty missions).
Whether missions are ‘Easy’ or ‘Hard’ is randomised, with roughly 25% of Missions falling into the ‘Hard’ Category and the rest (75%) falling into the ‘Easy’ category. Now it’s important to note that these Missions look the same on the map, the levels are the only way of telling which category they fall into.

‘Easy’ Missions take their difficulty from your overall power level. This is calculated by taking the average of your top 6 Heroes and Weapons, ignoring the very top Weapon and Hero. This gives us something which we refer to as your Player Power Level. Which easy missions you see in Our World fall within approximately 2 levels of your Player Power Level.
For example if your Player Power Level is 15, you will see Missions ranging between 13 - 17. It is possible that some missions will fall outside of this range on occasion, but this will be the norm.
So if you want to up the levels of your ‘Easy’ Missions what you’ll need to do is upgrade your Weapons and Heroes to move your Player Power Level upwards.

Calculating Player Power Level
Here’s how to figure out your Player Power Level in three easy steps!
  1. Ignore your highest-power Hero and highest-power Weapon.
  2. Then, from the remaining Heroes and Weapons calculate the average ‘Power’ of your most powerful 3 Heroes and 3 weapons.
  3. Divide by 10
And that’s it!
So if the average of these Heroes and Weapons was 150 then your Player Power Level would be 15 and you would see ‘Easy’ Missions in the range of 13,14,15,16 and 17.

‘Hard’ Missions take their difficulty from the highest ever completed Mission of that type, but are also inspired by your ‘Easy’ Missions. The lower end of ‘Hard’ Missions start at one level above your hardest ‘Easy’ Mission level, and your highest ‘Hard’ Mission will be one level higher than the hardest mission of that type that you have completed.
For both ‘Easy’ and ‘Hard’ missions the spread of Missions within each range is flat. This means that if your ‘Easy’ Mission range is 13-17 you’ll find a roughly equal spread of Missions levelling 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 and if your ‘Hard’ Mission range is 18-22 you’ll find a roughly equal spread of Missions levelling 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22.

Let’s have an example:
My Player Power Level is 15, and I've completed a level 21 Encounter before.
I'll see level 13-17 Encounters in the ‘Easy’ Missions that spawn, and level 18-22 Encounters in the hard slots.

Tier 3 cleared

Tier 2 cleared

Tier 1 cleared

The beginning of a new season

Here's where we stand as we start the new season:

Game handle Current level Missions played
twISTer1979 24 61378
Al Gorland 21 39965
Belkys 21 53223
Player 128 21 57588
Lil Carol 20 45830
Diogofm1981 21 56292
hkeisenberg 23 60994
Fernando 20 38606
Deadweight 19 24193
Rautakanki 19 55848
Pizzle 22 57738
ArmyAnt 20 23414
LiveWire 18 29956
Wuakinaut 22 47935
Big T 21 39675
Rhumner 21 42012
Jesus007 22 55443
Beckum 22 39727
Feodariuc 18 21054
Trip69'€ 23 78810
B-Luv 14 6831
Aly 20 40550
Nashandra 22 46481